Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sexuality and Christianity ? a change of mind - Anglican Mainstream

Church of England Newspaper 18 November

Sir, Peter Ould (letters, 12 October) and Vaughan Roberts? recent explanation of their sexuality, namely that they have learned to choose through Christ?s power to resist homosexual activity, is very helpful. For readers of the letters I was involved in earlier this year, some may have missed my final letter where I changed tack and after much prayer and reflection reverted to a more traditional evangelical position. Further amplification on this now may be helpful for the readers. What I came to realise is as follows. Firstly, I was confusing a great deal of the love between homosexual people with the actual genital activity. When we meet gay and lesbian people and see them caring for each other we are seeing a mirror of the deep love between David and Jonathan, and even between Jesus and the disciple he loved ?even though, I stress, I don?t think either of these relationships was homosexual in orientation.

Intimate loving feelings between people of the same sex is a strong biblical ideal. I am convinced that in David and Jonathan?s case, and in Jesus and the disciple?s case, it was entirely platonic, but nonetheless on a strong emotional level. Therefore my affirmation of much gay and lesbian relationships was affirmation of an entirely biblical model ? companionship, care, affection, being there for the person through the ups and downs of life. We all need people of the same sex who can provide that sort of intimate support, and it can run very deep. I believe it did so for Jesus and for David. When we see it mirrored in homosexual relationships, some of the Holy Spirit is speaking to us through it, which is why showing sensitivity and respect towards gay and lesbian couples is especially important.

Secondly, I was missing Peter and Vaughan?s crucial point that a gay and lesbian person can freely choose to obey the most obvious tone of scripture (even when nuanced interpretations are taken into account) and to remain sexually celibate. One of the most poignant criticisms of evangelicals is that they are somehow oppressing gay and lesbian people with the celibate model, but this is erroneous. If celibacy is freely chosen, stemming from a conscious and personal relationship with Jesus, then suppressing that choice, or ridiculing that choice, or branding that choice homophobic, is itself an oppressive act.

Thirdly, following a discussion with Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali and Bishop Sandy Millar on two separate occasions on this issue, I, as a completely heterosexual person, saw afresh that all of us, whether we be homosexual or heterosexual, have a constant struggle to live according to the spirit and not the flesh. This is not just the homosexual?s battle.

Of course, the heterosexual can assuage their sexual passion through sexual union within marriage, so therefore the homosexual certainly carries a heavier cross in this area. Yet, within the context of life overall, a true disciple of Jesus will be meeting situations every day where they are having to choose to live according to the spirit and not according to the flesh ? and this applies to every area of life not just sexual ones. It is my conviction that if we learn to live according to the spirit and not the flesh, our lives become more joyful, Christ-centred and peaceful.

We are left with the reality that the heterosexual person does have an advantage in this area, and this is why I am full of admiration for people such as Peter Ould and Vaughan Roberts. Maybe though God gives a special blessing in other ways to those who carry such a unique cross. I believe there is plenty of evidence to suggest he does with Christians who carry crosses in other areas of life, and so because I believe in a God of love and mercy, I confidently expect he will do so with homosexually inclined people who choose to follow a celibate lifestyle.

The Rev Simon Tillotson,

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